Thursday, December 22, 2011

Welcome to g33king out

Welcome to g33king out!!  Yes, the URL for geeking with e's was taken, so we'll have to move forward with 3s for e's.  Whatever it takes to call this blog "geeking out".  If you are visiting this blog, then you have probably at one time been referred to or considered yourself one of the following: geek, dork, nerd, and one that I haven't heard in awhile, dweeb.  As I was thinking about starting this blog, I wondered, what IS the difference between a nerd and a geek?  Apparently, this is a question that others are curious about (refer to the list above as the people who are interested in this debate). 

I found this helpful venn diagram to help answer this little question of what means what:
Compliments of greatwhitesnark

As you can clearly see, based on this venn diagram, being a geek is really a great compliment...intelligence and obsession, sure, why not?  And, yes, it wasn't until I saw this venn that the word "dweeb" even came to mind.  Do people even use that word anymore?  Watch out for a dweeb comeback!!

So, let's get to the purpose of this blog.  I want this blog to be a space for collecting illuminating articles, funny illustrations and most importantly, engaging conversation around anything this audience wants to geek out about.  For my part, I'm probably going to geek out about how the marketing landscape is changing and who and what is being done to help understand the value of all things digital.

Look forward to geeking out together!!!


  1. Stephanie YouknowWhoDecember 23, 2011 at 9:09 AM

    I surround myself with Geeks and we Geek speak and do other dorky things together. Some even blog, go figure. ;P

  2. Gotta love g33ks, especially those who blog!
